
Nauka > Oligonucleotides > Offer and prices
Offer and prices    

We offer the synthesis of DNA and RNA oligos, fluorescent and other oligonucleotide modifications as well as purification using the HPLC method.

DNA oligonucleotides:

RNA oligonucleotides:


DNA and RNA oligos are delivered in a lyophylised form along with an information concerning the quantity in which a given lyophylisate should be resuspended to obtain 100 µM; concentration.
We advise 10 mM Tris pH 7.5. when resuspending DNA oligos.


Please order online by filling out the form. If you encounter any problem while ordering, please do it by e-mail.

Order processing time:
  • standard oligonucleotides: 2-3 working days.
  • standard oligonucleotides with HPLC purification: do 5 working days.
  • labelled oligonucleotides: do 10 working days.
  • RNA oligonucleotides: please contact us
Delivery costs:
  • When your orders value is greater than 200 PLN Genomed covers the costs of delivery mail in Poland.
  • Orders for less than 200 PLN net - delivery cost in Poland - 30 PLN netto
  • Primers can also be shipped by registered letter free of charge.

Prices are listed in the tables below. With the help of the oligonucleotides ordering form it is possible to calculate the cost of an oligonucleotide.

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standard oligonucleotides

Net prices (PLN), minimum yield and offered synthesis scale of standard oligonucleotides:

 standard oligonucleotides
synthesis scale [umol]
purification standard 1purification HPLC
price per base 2
(netto PLN)
minimum yield
OD (260)3
price per base
(netto PLN)
minimum yield
OD (260)
0.041.3 53.652.5
0.202.5 1658
1.009.9 801225

1 Standard desalting consists in ethanol precipitation. It guarantees a level of purification sufficient for standard applications (PCR reaction and sequencing)
2 For oligonucleotides longer than 80 bp price is 110% higher. For oligonucleotides longer than 90 bp price is 120% higher. For oligonucleotides shorter than 15 bp price calculated as for 15-mer..
3 Guaranteed yields apply to a 20-mer +/- 20%. For oligos longer than 33 bases minimum yields cannot be guaranteed.
4 0.02 µmol scale only for oligos up to 33 bases.
A higher scale of synthesis - please contact us
Wobble - zasada zdegenerowana na 3' końcu - 54 PLN

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antisense oligonucleotides (PTOs)

Net prices (PLN), minimum yield and offered synthesis scale of phosphorothioates (PTOs, S-oligos).
Prices include HPLC- and cartridge-purification, if the oligo is a "Full-PTO"!
For mixed Phosphosphorothioate/Phosphorodiester-Oligos (i. e. "end capping") cartridge-purification will be charged at 65 PLN net price. We recommend this service

 antisense oligonucleotides (PTOs)
synthesis scale [umol]
purification HPLC
price per base
(netto PLN)
minimum yield
OD (260)1
0.2013 5
1.0027 15

1 Guaranteed yields apply to a 20-mer +/- 20%. For oligos longer than 33 bases minimum yields cannot be guaranteed.
A higher scale of synthesis - please contact us

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labelled oligonucleotides

Genomed offers labelling of oligos at 5' and 3' ends as well as internal modifications. If the type of labelling you are interested in is not to be found on the price list, please enquire.

Synthesis of labelled oligonucleotides, offered scales, minmal amount and net prices:

 fluorescent labels of 5' end1
synthesis scale [umol] (µmol):
minimum yield (OD260):
CAL Fluor Gold 540315357416756
CAL Fluor Orange 560210231315756
CAL Fluor Red 610336378504630
 non-Fluorescent Labels of 5' end1
C12 Aminolink7510513126285115164312
C6 Aminolink3341496649668298
 fluorescent labels of 3' end1
 non-Fluorescent Labels of 3' end1
C7 Aminolink3949982954966131344
 fluorescent internal modifications1, 2
 other internal modifications1, 2
C2 AminodT3534036051462

1 The price of the standard oligonucleotide will be added
2 The prices for internal fluorescent modifications are valid for oligonucleotides <40 bases. For longer oligonucleotides please contact us.

Internal modification with biotin requires 1050 PLN setup fee. This modification requires a "T" to be attached.

For 5` thiol modification a set up fee of 540 PLN per order will be charged.

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Dual labelled probes

  • FRET (fluorescence resonance energy transfer) type hybridisation probes make possible an exceptionally sensitive detection of single gene copies. These probes are labelled at the 5'end with a fluorophore (FAM, TET, JOE, HEX, Cy3, ROX), and at the 3'end with one of Black Hole Quenchers (BHQ). BHQ molecules act as effective fluorescence quenchers in the entire visible and infrared spectrum, releasing energy mostly in the form of heat and not light. Probes based on the use of BHQs give a very low background and facilitate a very sensitive detection. Maximum of absorbance for BHQ-1 corresponds to 534 nm, and it quenches most efficiently in the range of 480-580 nm; while BHQ-2 has its maximum of absorbance at 579 nm,this makes possible fluorescence quenching between 550 and 650 nm.

  • Dual labelled fluorogenic probes are labelled at their 5'end with a fluorophore (FAM, TET, JOE, HEX, Fluorescein or Rhodamine), and at 3'end with a quencher (TAMRA, Dabcyl). Taqman probes (linear) are designed to quantify PCR products, detect mutations and discriminate alleles. Molecular Beacons probes (forming internal hairpins), more specific than linear probes, are used in in situ hybridisation, quantification of hybridising sequences and in allele discrimination.

Prices (PLN netto), minimum yield and offered scale of synthesis of FRET oligonucleotides and Dual labeled Fluorogenic Probes:

LPlabelling : Reporter (nm)Quencher
Abs (nm)
cena * / skala
5'3'AbsEms 5 nmol10 nmol20 nmol30 nmol50 nmol
16-FAM MGB-Eclipse 495 520 522 11091291167524343163
2Fluo TAMRA (Q) 495 520 564 45154270611761978
3Fluo BHQ-1 495 520 535 45154270611761978
4Fluo Eclipse 495 520 522 45154270611761978
5Fluo Dabcyl 495 520 453 45154270611761978
66-FAM TAMRA (Q) 495 520 564 45154270611761978
76-FAM BHQ-1 495 520 535 45154270611761978
86-FAM Eclipse 495 520 522 45154270611761978
96-FAM Dabcyl 495 520 453 734874112816462146
10 00000
11 00000
12 00000
13 00000
14TET TAMRA (Q) 521 536 564 734874112816462146
15TET BHQ-1 521 536 535 734874112816462146
16TET Eclipse 521 536 522 734874112816462146
17TET Dabcyl 521 536 453 734874112816462146
18JOE TAMRA (Q) 522 548 564 734874112816462146
19JOE BHQ-1 522 548 535 734874112816462146
20JOE Eclipse 522 548 522 734874112816462146
21JOE Dabcyl 522 548 453 734874112816462146
22YakimaYellow TAMRA (Q) 530 549 564 734874112816462146
23YakimaYellow BHQ-1 530 549 535 734874112816462146
24YakimaYellow Eclipse 530 549 522 734874112816462146
25YakimaYellow Dabcyl 530 549 453 734874112816462146
26Hex BHQ-1 535 556 535 45154270611761978
27Hex BHQ-2 535 556 579 45154270611761978
28Hex Eclipse 535 556 522 45154270611761978
29Hex Dabcyl 535 556 453 45154270611761978
30Cy3 BHQ-2 546 563 579 11091291167524343163
31Cy3 Eclipse 546 563 522 11091291167524343163
32TAMRA (R) BHQ-2 564 579 579 11091291167524343163
33TAMRA (R) Eclipse 564 579 522 11091291167524343163
34TAMRA (R) Dabcyl 564 579 453 11091291167524343163
35ROX TAMRA (Q) 576 601 564 11091291167524343163
36ROX BHQ-2 576 601 579 11091291167524343163
37ROX Eclipse 576 601 522 11091291167524343163
38Texas Red BHQ-2 586 610 579 11091291167524343163
39Texas Red Eclipse 586 610 522 11091291167524343163
40LC Red 610 Eclipse 590 610 522 11091291167524343163
41LC Red 610 BHQ-2 590 610 579 11091291167524343163
42LC Red 640 BHQ-2 625 640 579 11091291167524343163
43LC Red 640 BHQ-3 625 640 672 11091291167524343163
44Cy5 BHQ-2 646 662 579 11091291167524343163
45Cy5 BHQ-3 646 662 672 11091291167524343163
46Cy5.5 BHQ-2 683 705 579 11091291167524343163
47Cy5.5 BHQ-3 683 705 672 11091291167524343163
48IRD 700 BHQ-2 685 705 579 11091291167524343163
49IRD 700 BHQ-3 685 705 672 11091291167524343163
50BHQ-1 Fluo 495 520 535 45154270611761978
51BHQ-1 6-FAM 495 520 535 734874112816462146
52BHQ-1 JOE 522 548 535 11091291167524343163
53BHQ-1 Hex 535 556 535 11091291167524343163
54 00000
55 00000
56BHQ-2 Hex 535 556 579 11091291167524343163
57BHQ-2 ROX 576 601 579 11091291167524343163
58BHQ-2 LC Red 610 590 610 579 11091291167524343163
59BHQ-2 LC Red 640 625 640 579 11091291167524343163
60BHQ-2 Cy5 646 662 579 11091291167524343163
61BHQ-2 Cy5.5 683 705 579 734874112816462146
62Eclipse Fluo 495 520 522 45154270611761978
63Eclipse 6-FAM 495 520 522 45154270611761978
64Eclipse JOE 522 548 522 734874112816462146
65Eclipse Hex 535 556 522 11091291167524343163
66Eclipse ROX 576 601 522 11091291167524343163
67Eclipse LC Red 610 590 610 522 11091291167524343163
68Dabcyl Fluo 495 520 453 45154270611761978
69Dabcyl 6-FAM 495 520 453 45154270611761978
70Dabcyl JOE 522 548 453 11091291167524343163
71Fluo BHQ-2 495 520 579 45154270611761978
726-FAM BHQ-2 495 520 579 45154270611761978
73TET BHQ-2 521 536 579 734874112816462146
74Cy5.5 TAMRA (Q) 683 705 564 11091291167524343163
75IRD 700 TAMRA (Q) 685 705 564 11091291167524343163
76BHQ-2 6-FAM 495 520 579 734874112816462146
77BHQ-2 Cy3 546 563 579 11091291167524343163
78Cy3 BBQ-650 546 563 650 11091291167524343163
79Cy5 BBQ-650 646 662 650 11091291167524343163
80Cy5.5 BBQ-650 683 705 650 11091291167524343163
81Hex BBQ-650 535 556 650 45154270611761978
82IRD 700 BBQ-650 685 705 650 11091291167524343163
83LC Red 610 BBQ-650 590 610 650 11091291167524343163
84LC Red 640 BBQ-650 625 640 650 11091291167524343163
85TAMRA (R) BBQ-650 564 579 650 11091291167524343163
86Texas Red BBQ-650 586 610 650 11091291167524343163
87YakimaYellow BBQ-650 530 549 650 734874112816462146
88Cy3 MGB-Eclipse 546 563 522 11091291167524343163
89Hex MGB-Eclipse 535 556 522 11091291167524343163
90JOE MGB-Eclipse 522 548 522 11091291167524343163
91TET MGB-Eclipse 521 536 522 11091291167524343163
92Texas Red MGB-Eclipse 586 610 522 11091291167524343163
93YakimaYellow MGB-Eclipse 530 549 522 11091291167524343163
* HPLC purification and MALDI ToF quality control are included.

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LightCycler Probes

The LightCycler hybridisation probe system is based on two oligonucleotide probes that hybridise, in a head-to-tail arrangement, to adjacent sequences of the target DNA. Each probe is labelled with a different fluorophore, the first one with Fluorescein at the 3'end (donor), the second one with either LC610,LC640,LC670 or LC705 at the 5'end (acceptor). Additionally, 3'OH terminus of LC probes is phosphorylated to prevent polymerase from extending the primer during PCR reaction. When the fluorophores are in close proximity, there can be a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between them, which allows a specific and quantitative real time detection of the template amplification. To avoid sterical problems between the 3' Fluo and 5' LC labels of the probes, there should be a spacer of 1 to 5 nucleotides between the two probes.

Net prices, minimal amounts / offered scale of synthesis of LightCycler probes:

 LightCycler Probes
productprice PLN netto / nmol 1/ No. of tests2
1 / 3002 / 6003 / 10005 / 150010 / 300020 / 600030 / 10000

1 For oligonucleotides > 33 bases price for each extra base is 20 PLN.
2 Values calculated for 3 pmol of probe per assay (range of optimal amount 2-10 pmol).
* Price includes HPLC purification and MALDI ToF quality check to provide probes of exceptional purity.
* LightCycler® is a trademark of Idaho Technology Inc. Custom synthesis of LC probes and oligonucleotides containing LCRed dyes under licence of Roche Diagnostics.
* Sold under license from Hoffmann La-Roche Ltd. All products are for research only.

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RNA oligonucleotides

Our offer includes the synthesis of labelled and standard RNA oligos.
We have available many types of modifications, both at the 5 ', 3' ends and internal. Please contact us for specific information and pricing for individual RNA modifications.

RNA oligonucleotides are HPLC purified.

Offered delivered quantities and the prices of RNA oligonucleotides synthesis up to 40nt:

 RNA oligonucleotides
synthesis scale [umol]price PLN netto
price for oligonucleotide ≤ 10 ntprice for base >10 nt ≥ 40 nt

* RNA oligonucleotides longer than 40nt - please contact us
* A higher scale of synthesis - please contact us

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