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Genomed Joint-Stock Co. debuted on the NewConnect Market on May 30, 2011.    

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Genomed an innovative Polish company founded by a group of scientists with years of experience and significant achievements in the field of genomics, which have been documented with numerous publications in international journals, including two in Nature. The company founders have been involved in this new research area since its beginnings, starting from the Yeast Genome Sequencing Project, and have simultaneously gained vast experience in commercializing the results of their scientific work. In the years 2000-2007, they developed and ran a core facility specializing in DNA sequencing and synthesis – at the time, the biggest service of this kind in Poland – and finally decided to create a company of their own.


is a unique group, which assembles outstanding molecular biologists and genetic diagnosticians, whose competence results from having worked at the best Polish molecular diagnostic centers. In 2009, together we have created a diagnostic health care center (NZOZ Genomed), which now offers diagnostic service to Polish and foreign customers. The following year, the Genomed team expanded, acquiring physicians specializing in clinical genetics, with the aim of creating a nation-wide network for genetic counseling. In 2011, having signed a contract with the National Health Fund, NZOZ Genomed offered state-refunded consultations at its genetic counseling office. Currently, NZOZ Genomed offers genetic counseling in Warsaw and Lublin.

Currently, Genomed provides diagnostic service that comprises DNA analysis and congenital diseases diagnostics based on DNA sequencing for more than 300 scientific centers, biotechnological companies and medical institutions. Among our clients are all the eminent scientific and medical Polish centers. Since the beginning of 2010 till the end of 2012, the company has been commissioned by the Institute of Mother and Child to perform DNA sequencing and the diagnostic analysis of the gene related to cystic fibrosis as part of the national newborn screening program.

Every new year is witness to an improvement in the company’s financial results. In 2009, the Genomed’s revenue amounted to 1.7 million PLN, in 2010 the company gained an almost 3.9 million PLN gross income and a 0.3 million PLN net profit, whereas in 2011 Genomed"s revenue increased to 4,6 million PLN. Genomed is the only company operating in the field of DNA analysis technology that has made a profit already in the third year of its activity. On the 30th of December 2010, Genomed transformed from a limited liability company into a joint-stock one. In March 2011, the company successfully carried out a private offer and acquired 3 million PLN from investors. Genomed celebrated its debut on the NewConnect market on the 30th of May 2011.


The company develops molecular diagnostics based on DNA sequencing in response to an ever greater demand for a service that enables the application of prophylactics and of treatment such as replacement or gene therapy. The technology that is being developed by Genomed enables us to read and analyze any of the discovered 6 500 genes correlated with congenital diseases. The company can boast genetic analyses of more than 120 genes responsible for diseases and prepares the methodology necessary for the analysis of mutations in the whole human genome. We are able to analyze gene sequences in search of practically all mutations correlated with congenital diseases. With such a wide offer, our company ranks among the best of the world’s establishments for genetic diagnostics.

The present-day activities of the company are focused on introducing genomic technology to personalized medicine, a new sector in health care services based on the complete knowledge of the DNA sequence of a patient’s genome – some 6 billion letters of genetic code. Preparing for the commercial analysis of the human genome, the Genomed specialists verified the viability of the data obtained with genome sequencers for diagnostic purposes, by testing their quality, quantity and complexity. To begin the first stage of the realization of the project of the reading and analysis of whole human genomes, Genomed purchased the first GS Junior system in Poland, and currently applies the Miseq platform (Illumina) to the diagnostic analysis of human genome.

Genomed invests the financial means gained as a result of the new emission in the further development and implementation of the most up-to-date genomic technology for the purposes of genetic diagnostics. The individual genome record obtained will serve as the basis for diagnostics, preventive health care as well as for enzyme replacement and gene therapy.


Diagnostic service: samples of venous or capillary blood constitute the biological material used in most tests. Using the diagnostic kit provided by Genomed, a few drops of blood are drawn from a finger and applied onto a diagnostic card. The service comprises DNA isolation; the PCR amplification of chosen DNA regions; the determination of those regions’ sequences; the comparing of the sequences with a database to identify potential mutations and finally the interpretation of the result by a licensed diagnostician. The results are issued in 2-3 weeks, counting from the moment when Genomed receives the samples from patients. The cost of a single marker (exon) analysis decreases with the number of markers and samples analyzed.

Service for scientific purposes: Genomed offers all types of DNA sequence analysis, such as polymorphism analysis (“Gene Scan”) or the sequencing of phage genetic material or bacteria genomes. Furthermore, the company carries out full projects, from DNA isolation, the design of DNA primers and PCR conditions as well as sequencing, to the search for homologous sequences and the creation of phylogenetic trees.

The company has obtained international certificates from EMQN (European Molecular Quality Network) and Cystic Fibrosis Network, which attest to the high quality of our services. The NZOZ Genomed laboratory is part of the Reference Laboratories Network of the Polish Society of Human Genetics and is registered on the list of laboratories created by the National Chamber of Laboratory Diagnosticians under number 2854.


is based on adapting highly advanced technologies, not limited to DNA sequencing, to the needs of an individual customer. We focus on providing diagnostic services at low cost and with an ever increasing amount of information, obtained due to using the most modern technologies of DNA sequencing and analysis.

In 2008, we succeeded in obtaining co-financing from a venture capital company (MCI.BioVentures), which allowed us to fully equip our laboratory (including high-throughput sequencers, a DNA synthesizer and a robotic station) and to develop our diagnostic offer.

In October 2009, Genomed acquired a subsidy from the European Regional Development Fund – Innovative Economy (POIG 1.4.-4.1.) and is presently carrying out a project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund – Innovative Economy, entitled “The Application of the Technology of Whole Human Genome Sequencing in Medical Diagnostics.” The second project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund – Innovative Economy, entitled “Application of Molecular Diagnostics in the Development of Personalized Medicine,” was started in July 2012. At the beginning of this year, Genomed launched a collaborative research project entitled “Polish Reference Genome for Genomic Diagnostics and Personalized Medicine.” The project’s objective is to establish a genomic database for the Polish Caucasian sub-population for scientific and commercial purposes.

In June 2010, Genomed signed an agreement with the Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology and with the Institute of Oncology, and currently implements a joint project of Ph.D. studies in bioinformatics developed under the Human Capital Operational Program that aims to educate a new personnel of bioinformaticians specializing in the analysis of genomic data.


In November 2010, Genomed entered into the semifinal of Eurocan European Venture Contest and received the Everesty 2010 award, granted by MCI Management, in the category of the Most Dynamic Development.

In May 2011 Genomed S.A. received the Master of Business award in the category of Innovation.

Contact for investors:

dr hab. Marek Zagulski
Prezes Zarządu
Genomed S.A.
ul. Ponczowa 12
02-971 Warszawa
tel. 22 644 60 19
kom. 516 156 876
mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it